Focus - Mary Dibble Coaching Empowering Moms to Thrive and Shine Thu, 16 Mar 2023 17:08:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Focus - Mary Dibble Coaching 32 32 230815362 7 Reasons Goal Setting Is Important Thu, 16 Mar 2023 16:42:05 +0000

When one discovers their purpose in life, it is one thing to know it and a whole other to pursue it. Without setting a goal that aligns with your purpose, there is no way to truly make that purpose a reality in your life. Goal setting is such an important tool to ensure you take action and make things happen so you can reach whatever it is you desire in your life.
Here are 7 reasons why goal setting is important:

1. Goal setting to give direction to life

While it can be fun to live without direction in the short-term, in the long-term human beings are wired to need a purpose and direction. Goals give a sense of direction and purpose to life.

2. Goal setting to make sure we are the one choosing the direction of our life — not others, not fate, not the media, etc.

It is often easy to let others set our direction for us. We take a job because family or friends point us in that direction and then we follow the dictates of our bosses. We move in other directions because popular culture or the media tells us to do so. The simple truth is that if we do not set our own goals then we will find it too easy to follow a path set by others. This can lead to stress and unhappiness. We have a greater chance of happiness and fulfillment following our own path and pursuing our own goals.

3. Goal seting to motivate

While goals certainly give our lives direction, they also provide the motivation to get us through difficult times and choices. Perhaps going to college at night while working full-time may be stressful and difficult in the short-term, but in the long run being able to pursue the professional goals we desire will make it worthwhile.

4. Goal setting to make sure we get what we want from life

Goals also serve as the destination for what we really want out of life. For some people, goals are measured in money or material goods, while for others goals are measured in time or freedom. If we do not have goals outlined that suit our unique perspective on life it is easy to become sidetracked by life and others.

5. Goal setting to save time

Goals can also help save time. When your “To Do” list becomes too long and your calendar too full, then you can simply compare your goals to the list. What items help you achieve your goal? What items are necessary to your goal? Scratch off the rest as unimportant.

6. Goal setting to reduce stress

Just as goals save time, they also reduce stress because using your goals to focus your life and choices makes it easier to make those choices. Should you take that new position at work? How does it match your goals?

7. Goal setting to give a sense of accomplishment

Finally, goals give you a measurable sense of accomplishment. Every goal you achieve, in fact every step you make toward that goal, can give you a boost of energy and momentum to keep going. Each success powers you toward the next level of success.


Now go out and set your goals!

The post 7 Reasons Goal Setting Is Important  first appeared on Mary Dibble Coaching.

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The Power of Focus Thu, 09 Mar 2023 03:04:55 +0000

A lot of people ask me, “How do you do it? How do you manage a job at home with 2 little kids running around?” There are many times I wonder how I am doing it myself. There are days that I have so much going on and at the start of the day I can’t help but think about all of it at once and I get overwhelmed and feel like crawling back in bed and just running away from it all. I felt like I was being pulled in a hundred different directions at the same time all the time.  

For a while there I allowed the stress of it all to get the better of me. I dealt with so much anxiety and frustration over things I had no or little control over. I would yell at my kids or go to the bathroom and cry my eyes out until I was able to get it together to continue with whatever was going on. I would tell customers it was like working and running a daycare at the same time. I felt like pulling my hair out more times than I can count. I felt like I was going to lose it. The crazy part of it all was the fact that no matter how much I had on my plate or how bizarre the day was going, I still managed to get everything done and then some with plenty of time left over.  

I slowly began recognizing that about myself and changing my perspective of how I was handling my day-to-day duties. Instead of thinking of everything that needed to be done at once and allowing my mind to become anxious or overwhelmed, I started to just take one task at a time and just work towards it. With my work of course there are several distractions and unknown situations that arise that takes me off track not to mention having young children is unpredictable when it comes to changing dirty diapers, feeding, entertaining, etc., but at the core, I stopped focusing on what had not been done yet and placed my focus on what I was doing at that time.  

Another change I made was the language I used towards myself. Instead of coming at myself with a “poor me” type approach for having so much on my plate, I started to vocalize and realize I was a badass mom who was making it happen. I was awesome at getting work done while taking time to educate my kids, feed them, play with them, and keep them on a routine as I did my job duties and dealt with whatever came my way customer-wise that needed to be dealt with sporadically. I started to compliment and encourage myself as I accomplished tasks throughout my day. 

 “You go girl”  

“You got this”  

“You’re the bomb”  

When I stopped focusing on the lack of and put my focus on the abundance and what all I was capable of, it made all the difference I needed.  

What you focus on will become your reality. That is such a powerful statement and truth that goes beyond what most of us comprehend 

Think about your relationship with money for instance. When you think about money are you focused on the lack of having it or on how abundant you are even if you may not be where you want currently? For so long as I focused on all I had to get done in order to feel good, I also focused on my lack of having enough money to live the way I want.

That led me to constantly struggle in my life. I had no idea I was attracting my own struggles just by what I was focused on. I created anxiety by focusing on all that I had to get done all at once as if I did not have enough time in the day. There was always plenty of time and all that stress was such a waste of energy and put me in a terrible state of mind to not only start off my day but carry it throughout my day. I was so mentally exhausted at the end of my day that I hardly had anything left of myself to give my family. That was so unfair to them, especially my husband who didn’t get to see me until later in the evening.  

Once I placed my focus on just how awesome I was at what I do, and acknowledged and praised that about myself, it was like this huge shift in my life came out of nowhere. I started my day in a positive state of mind knowing that I was capable of getting everything done, knowing what an amazing mother I am, that my kids would be taken care of, and would also be seeing how hard working of a mother I am that would instill good work ethics into them as well. I started even changing my focus on money from lack of to the abundance I not only already had but knew was on its way to me. I saw my anxiety disappear. I saw my energy growing more and more each day. I was able to give my family more of me than before. I was in a better mood and just happier overall. I was able to handle things in such a way I once thought was impossible.  

You deserve the same. You deserve to be good to yourself and recognize how hard you work and how awesome you are. Only you can claim it and own it. Only you can make that choice on what you focus on and what you attract into your life.

The post The Power of Focus first appeared on Mary Dibble Coaching.

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